SNWMF: Roots, Culture, and Reggae!
By Terri Larsen and Saundra Torres
Photos by Lee Abel
Nestled in the comforting arms of Mother Earth and Anderson Valley (known for its beautiful vineyards and wines, and as the gateway to Northern California) is the quaint and friendly town of Boonville. Here locals welcomed, for the fifth and most successful year at this location, thousands of revelers for the 18th Annual Sierra Nevada World Music Festival (SNWMF). Held at the Mendocino County Fairgrounds in beautiful downtown Boonville, and, although the rock hard hoof prints imbedded in the dried mud and straw made a rough road for the dancers and players of instruments, everyone celebrated three days in sheer bliss and joy, without complaint, confirming the strength and power of righteous music that gathered here from around the world. Continue reading