Tag Archives: #ReggaeRoots

Reggae Nostalgia –  MPeggyQ Interview 2011

This interview linked below recently popped up and I want to share. In 2011, I did an interview with Franco Forbes for his Reggae Nostalgia radio show. Listening to it again today, it was centered on my attempt to raise awareness and money for the Reggae Report Archive, and on discussing topics that are relevant right now in 2024. MPeggyQ Interview with Franco on Reggae Nostalgia Radio

We spoke out about the summer festivals – a popular topic going on right now – only then they were abundant in Europe, South America, & the USA. In 2011, I mentioned “Jamaican artists have to become more professional” and learn to” play the game,” i.e., contracts, deadlines, limitations, and pricing. We see now, 13 years later, summer fests being canceled way too often. Raising the question: “Is it the artist or the promoter?” 

I talked about young artists having to pay their dues and the importance of learning the Reggae business. In 2024, I am still calling out the need for guidance, education, and opportunities to learn the business, i.e., scholarships and corporate assistance. My question today remains, Where is the Bob Marley Performing Arts Center in Kingston, Jamaica? 

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